Australia's oldest & most respected night vision & thermal imaging specialists - supplying night vision, thermal imaging & specialised low light imaging kit to the Australian Government & Defence since 1990
Australia's oldest & most respected night vision & thermal imaging specialists

Electrophysics Corp. announce release of the latest 'SP' adaptor pairs for the AstroScope 9350

by Administrator | April 11, 2005

Electrophysics Corp. of the US has announced the release of the latest 'SP' adaptor pairs for the AstroScope 9350 Night Vision Modular system.

The new adaptor pairs for Nikon and Canon digital SLR's offer the end-user the following additional benefits -
* Provides edge-to-edge sharpness
* No image vignetting on most SLR platforms
* Very fast relay optics for faster speed exposures - up to 12 stops!

These new benefits are additional to the following unique features of the AstroScope 9350 system -
* Maintain the use of the original host camera’s objective lenses to uphold extremely high resolution imaging
-> Maintains the benefits of the host camera’s features such as:
* image stabilisation
* auto focus
* electronic zooming function (where available)